The create functionality

To check all the options run

$ soundfactory create --help
Usage: soundfactory create [OPTIONS]

  -wc, --wave-component FREQ AMP [PHASE] [SHAPE]
  -o, --out OUTFILE
  -s, --samplerate SAMPLERATE
  -dur, --duration DURATION.. code-block:: bash
  -n, --fourierterms N


Use with care the fourierterms option, as more terms in the Fourier series are used to calculate the signal as the computing time increases.


Create a two-second sample to hear a 20 Hz beating frequency

soundfactory create -wc 109.5 1.2 -wc 139.5 1.2 -dur 2 -o beat_20.wav

where 109.5 1.2 and 139.5 1.2 are respectively the frequencies and amplitudes of the two wave components.

The waveshape and phase parameters can be also specified as part of the -wc option. Try running the command above this time for a triangular and a square wave out of phase of 90 degrees.

soundfactory create -wc 109.5 1.2 90 triangle -wc 139.5 1.2 square -dur 2 -o beat_20_1.wav

Use soundfactory play -i beat_20_1.wav to listen to difference and soundfactory view -i beat_20_1.wav to display the signal and the spectra.